Milkies Milk Saver
$29.99 $20.99
The Original Milk Saver - Carefully Constructed in the U.S. with a Focus on Quality
HOLDS MORE THAN 2 OUNCES AT A TIME - Much More Than Most Breast Shells, Build Your Milk Stash Effortlessly Without Pumping
PATENTED, 2-IN-1 DESIGN ALSO ACTS AS NIPPLESHIELD - Keep Friction Off and Ventilation On Allowing Your Nipples to Heal
NO CHEMICAL LEACHING - Milkies Will Not Expose Your Baby to Phthalates, BPA, or Other Harmful Chemicals
SLIPS INTO YOUR BRA AND STAYS PUT - Discreet, No Need to Disrobe, and No Painful Suction Required
COMFORTABLE AND SECURE - Use the Included Top to Reduce Spills That Can Occur If You Forget You Are Wearing Milk-Saver
CONVENIENT STAND FOR HANDS FREE HELP WHEN FULL - The Included Carrying Case Doubles As a Stand for the Milk Saver
MANUFACTURED IN THE USA - Made of Clear, Food-Grade Plastic that Won't Leach Chemicals into Your Milk Supply
DEVELOPED BY NURSING MOMS FOR NURSING MOMS - Designed By a Busy E.R. Nurse to Capture Every Last Drop of Milk During Shifts
DISHWASHER SAFE - Put on the Top Rack of Dishwasher, Wash By Hand, or Boil (But Do Not Steam)
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