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Breastfeeding is the easiest, healthiest, and most cost effective way to feed your baby but challenges sometimes occur.

For some mothers the first few weeks can be overwhelming!

Your hormones change from maintaining your pregnancy to bringing in your milk supply. Sleep deprivation can happen along with your new role of caring for your newborn.

Perhaps breastfeeding was going well and now you have a new problem. Seeking help is important!

If you have any of the issues listed below or just need a lactation consultant to confirm you are doing a good job, please give us a call!

Our lactation consultant Elizabeth "Betsy" Studer has been helping mothers for over 36 years.
She would love to help you reach your breastfeeding goal! 

Are you experiencing:


Difficulty getting baby to latch

Flat or inverted nipples

Low milk supply

Poor infant weight gain

Prior breast surgery


Damaged nipples and/or a painful latch

Problems feeding twins or other multiples

Desire a one-on-one breastfeeding class

Concerns about a tongue or lip tie

Blocked ducts or mastitis

Baby refusing to drink from a bottle

Questions about returning to work

Breastfeeding an adopted infant

Baby chokes, pulls back or has tummy troubles

Sucking abnormalities

Prefer a one-on-one for specific questions before baby comes

A breastfeeding concern about? Whatever it is we can help!

Consultations to Fit Your Needs:

Consultations involve a history, assessment of mother and baby, weighing baby before and after feeding to check baby's weight and how much breastmilk they are getting plus a plan for successful breastfeeding. All Semi-Private and Private consultations are conducted in person at The Breastfeeding Center, LLC in Massillon Ohio.

To Schedule
Call 330-837-0220

Semi Private Consultation

Time: 60 minutes

Setting: You, your baby, the lactation consultant
and possibly other mothers in the room.
If another mother is present your significant
other can wait in our showroom during the visit.

Cost: $75


Private Consultation 

Time: 60-90 minutes

Setting: Private with the lactation consultant,
you, your baby and whoever you'd
like present for the visit.
Cost $150


Before Baby's Here
Private Consultation:

Adoption, Relactation,
or Private Pre-Baby Class


After Baby's Here
Private Consultation:

Twins, Just Need to Talk,
or Bottle Help  

Time: 60 minutes

Setting: Private with the lactation consultant,
you and whoever you'd like present for the visit.

Cost $100


Phone Consultation

Time: As long as needed.

Cost: $1.30 per minute


Follow-Up Consultations

Semi-Private: $55

Private: $100

Phone: $1.30 per Minute

Call 330-837-0220 to schedule your consultation!

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